Our motto: Freshness In Exceeding Abudance

Ephesians 3:20

Who Owns Perissos Farm?

Mission Statement

We are committed to producing high quality healthy products contributing to community and environmental improvement and sustainability.

Perissos Farm Meeting Room


To be an industry leader in producing health agricultural produce achieving long term growth and sustainability.

Farm Workers - Perissos Brooks


Sustainability| Teamwork | Integrity| Respect| Excellence |Safety




Our Priority is Protecting The Environment

Organic farming is much more than choosing not to use chemical pesticides, fertilizer and genetically modified organisms,  growth hormones and plant antibiotics. It is a wholesome method of relying on renewable materials, crop and livestock production for a healthy living!”


Minimize Soil Degradation

At Perissos Brooks, we believe sustainability starts with healthy soil. If the soil is healthy, our bodies become healthier, nature flourishes and the environment is protected in a sustainable way.

Decrease Pollution

By decreasing pollution, we believe that the humanity is acting against global warming and climate change and working to preserve the environment for future generations.

Optimize Biological Productivity

At Perissos Brooks, we care about the environment. We are always looking for ways to protect it and optimize biological productivity.

Decrease Soil Erosion

At Perissos Brooks we are a family owned business that has been in the agriculture field for many years. We love the land and want to protect it. That is the reason why we got into the conservation business.

Our Staff

Our employees are directed by Josephine and it is the farm’s vision to continuously train its employees on agriculture standards to ensure quality and healthy products.

The world is becoming more conscious of sustainable agricultural practices hence the Farm has positioned its staff to embrace this management philosophy.


Who Owns Perissos Farm?
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